Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Well, I think this is the first time in my entire life where I have looked forward to a surgery.  I've been walking on this torn meniscus for over 3 weeks now and it sucks!

I can't think of any other time I've felt like such an unattractive slug.  45 years old and hormones are causing acne, quitting smoking gained me healthy lungs but also 50 extra pounds, and now to top it all off....I'm limping horribly.  I feel like I'm 90.

OK on a totally different note.  Heather, my daughter, is now living 5 minutes away instead of 12 hours! Her husband is deployed in Afghanistan for the next year.  I am LOVING having Heather here and also her kids.  I have never really had the chance to bond with them because every time we've visited with them it would take the little ones a day to warm up to us.  They are LOVING their Gramma now!  Even little Abbi at 4 months looks happy to see Gramma!  

Finally.  My NOOK finally came and I am seriously in love with it.  I'm loving a lot lately aren't I!? lol  I don't know how it compares to the Kindle because I don't know everything the Kindle does.  I know that I can buy and download books over the 3G network in a matter seconds.  I like that ebooks are cheaper than paperback...I read so much and so quickly that I can go broke buying books.

Ok so, no more news from me for a while.  Surgery on Friday.

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