Thursday, July 14, 2011

NOOK Color

First things first. My hubby spoils me. Almost 30 years of marriage and he can still surprise me. For my birthday this year Michael and the little kids surprised me with 3 different gifts on 3 different days. Gift 1 was a signed photo of my fave hockey player- Mason Raymond. Gift 2 was a NOOK Color! Gift 3 was an authentic Vancouver Canucks jersey with of course Raymond and 21 on the back. ALL wonderful presents on their own. Michael went a little overboard.

The NOOK Color is unbelievable! I had a regular NOOK but this new one is amazing. Besides it holding all 76 of my ebooks it does everything. Email, web browser, Facebook, Twitter etc etc etc. It's fast too.  Just as fast as my macbook. I am seriously in awe. Forgot to mention I can load pictures and music on it. And there are even Angry Birds. Now I have no clue what the Kindle can do because I've never held one.  No way it can compare though.

I am obviously the NOOK Color's biggest fan.